consultation meeting

Thomas Kluk
Technogroup IT-Service GmbHHead of Sales Region North
Northern Region
Location: Dortmund
Brennaborstraße 10, 44149 Dortmund

Kerstin Müller
Technogroup IT-Service GmbHHead of Inside Sales
Location: Hochheim am Main
Feldbergstraße 6, 65239 Hochheim

Roman Samek
Evernex IT Services Austria GmbHManaging Director Austria
Head of Service Austria and Switzerland
Locations: Österreich, Vienna, Graz, Salzburg
Maculangasse 12, A-1220 Wien

Michel Seibel
Evernex IT Services Switzerland AGManaging Director Switzerland
Head of Sales Switzerland and Austria
Locations: Zürich, Rothrist, Lausanne
Stauwehrweg 10, CH-4852 Rothrist

Ronald Voelzke
Technogroup IT-Service GmbHHead of Sales Region South
Southern Region
Locations: Munich
Valentin-Linhof-Straße 8-10, 81829 Munich

Sabine Wiefelspütz
Technogroup IT-Service GmbHHead of International Business & Channel
Hochheim am Main
Feldbergstraße 6, 65239 Hochheim

Adrien Zaremba
Technogroup IT-Service GmbHHead of Channel OEM
Location: Hochheim am Main
Feldbergstraße 6, 65239 Hochheim